On Babies and New Hires

Kid President is chock full of wisdom (and hilarity) well beyond his years, a while back I shared his "Pep Talk" video, essentially a call for us all to be more awesome. A message that everyone should be able to get behind, and if you can't well then I don't know what to say to you... But I digress, one of the more recent clips put out by Kid President focuses on one's first day - be ye new tiny baby or deer in headlights new employee (or at least that's how we've managed to start using it recently). Curious? Good! Check out the video below for some wisdom applicable to kids (and their grown up versions too): 

Header Photo Credit: woodleywonderworks via Compfight cc

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2 Responses to “On Babies and New Hires”

  1. I love this kid! He is awesome!

  2. Shouldn’t we all take life and our jobs in the same way this kid does? Life is tough, work can be tough sometimes, but we should try to learn to enjoy it. Another thing I just loved is when he said: “We all mess up sometimes. The biggest mess up is not forgiving each other’s mess ups.” This is so true – we get a biased approach to people who have failed, but want others to be forgiving. It doesn’t work this way.
